Saturday, March 12, 2016

Things I'm Not a Fan Of

1. “Other species don’t drink milk past infancy”
I love when I see the argument that it’s ‘weird’ we drink milk because we’re the only species that does this in adolescence and adulthood. Maybe our bodies really aren’t good at digesting milk. Maybe we should stop drinking it. But to say that the reason is because we’re ‘the only animals’ that do this makes it weird? C’mon. Is it weird that I put makeup on just because your shih tzu doesn’t? Should I stop reading books because giraffes aren’t perusing literary works in their free time? Do I need to end my relationship with Netflix since no other land animal is paying an internet bill and purchasing electronics? Let’s think that argument all the way through.

2. “Q-tips are bad for you”
I know you probably already know where I stand on this issue, but I feel like it can never be said enough. There is a special relationship between my ear canals and those soft white devils that a doctor and his wisdom will never come between. Using a q-tip after a hot shower allows my ears and soul to obtain a level of bliss that is only dreamt of by lesser mortals. “Q-tips are like small penises for my ears.” – J. Beans

3. “Swearing is unladylike”
Look, I get it. Constant swearing comes across as uneducated, unnecessary, and uncouth. Repetitive cursing not only lacks imagination but is dull and potentially devoid of linguistic beauty that allows you to express precisely what you want to convey. Blah blah blah. And then sometimes a four-letter word is the only tool you need to drive home the point. Sue a girl.

4. Same tax brackets for fat people
The more I think about this, the more I decide it just makes sense. There are all sorts of ways that thinner people are benefiting financially (as well as socially, obviously) from their size. The smaller you are the smaller your clothes are; therefore, you’re able to fit more clothes in a load of laundry which leads to long-term less money spent on detergent. The less you eat, the less money you’re spending on food, which means more money you have to spend on trips to Hawaii. And according to all the research about overweight lifestyles being linked with life-shortening illnesses, you’re probably going to have more time to enjoy Hawaii if you’re thin. So what I’m thinking is Uncle Sam should do me a solid and give me a tax break with which I can afford to go on vacation before my impending heart attack.

5. Raisins in cookies
I don’t feel like I should have to explain why this concept is an abomination to mankind, but I know that somewhere out there is a poor misguided soul who believes that raisins are a complimentary food, or that this topic is somehow ‘opinion’ instead of fact. That’s cute. But no. Raisins are like that lady that owns 15 cats: wonderful on her own but you’d never put her in a cookie.

6. The color orange
No rhyme or reason here. Just not a fan. I look at it, and I know deep down in my soul that it's the literal garbage of the color wheel.

7. Hypochondriasis stigma
Nothing makes an anxious person feel less calm and reassured than when their life-threatening, self-diagnosed illness is immediately dismissed by close family and friends just because it’s the third one that month. Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that my ‘brain tumor’ was hilarious just because the only evidence I have of its existence is a localized headache that’s been throbbing for twenty minutes. I wasn’t aware you suddenly possessed x-ray vision and know for certain I don’t have metastatic cancer (stage 4, nonetheless) even though my hair’s falling out so (obvi) I’m dying. You’re laughing at a terminally ill person but I’M the one who has problems? Get on my level.

8. “Horses are pretty”
Who do you think you’re fooling here? They’re the ugly cousin of the animal family but the one who’s got such a sweet spirit you keep rooting for them anyway. Unicorns are like the ugly cousin’s older sibling who simultaneously looks nothing alike and exactly the same in a way that makes everyone feel confused and sad for the horse.  

9. Noises
Tapping your fingers. Clicking your pen. Eating a banana. Breathing loudly in a quiet room. Whispering when someone else is talking. Singing in public when you’re not in a play. Anyone under the age of 10 crying. Loud movies when you’re trying to sleep. Any sports ball being bounced inside. Chomping your gum. Swallowing saliva. I could go on for days...

Misophonia. It’s real, kids.

10. Ridiculously spelled names
If you have decided it’s ‘adorable’ that you took your child’s (possibly normal) name and replaced it with ludicrous vowel/consonant combos, I want to punch you in the throat. The way some parents have allowed their children’s names to be spelled is borderline child abuse. Honestly, I think that somehow an entire generation decided that letters have feelings and should never go anywhere without a little moral support from their friends. “Well, we love the name ‘Zac’, but I’d hate for those three little letters to feel lonely, so we best throw a few more on there. Probably an h, another c for good measure, and an e at the end. Just for aesthetics, really.” Like if they name their kid Zacche, someone’s going to show up at their house with an award for “CuTeSt NaMe” and win Pinterest.

P.S. If you’ve put a symbol or an apostrophe in your child’s name, pour yourself a tall glass of cyanide. Bottoms up.